【他己紹介 8. 】ヴァティリアイ・ツイドラキ→垣本竜哉

Buddy introduction
Q1. 第一印象
A, 優しくて思いやりのある人
- First impression of your buddy
Kaki looked like a very caring and kind person when I first saw him. I’m not sure if I can say my first impression was 100% correct. I would say that I was about 87.5% correct .

Q2. かっこいい所
A, 有言実行なところ
- Good point you respect about him
One thing that I admire about Kaki is that he follows through with his word. If Kaki makes up his mind to do something, it’s pretty hard to stop him.

Q3. 意外な一面
A. 意外と優しいところ
- Interesting thing something a lot of people don’t know about your buddy.
Kaki is pretty kind and very caring toward other people especially the younger boys in the team. He tries his best to make everyone feel welcome. He is pretty fast at running when he wants to be fast.

Q4. 一番思い出に残っていること
A. 2019年カップ戦決勝を2人で観戦したこと
B. 一番思い出に残っていることの一つは、2019年カップ戦決勝を観戦した事です。共にカップ戦決勝前に怪我をしてしまった事もあり、僕たちは豊田に残って治療に励んでいました。決勝戦が始まる前にランチを買いに行き、チームの勝利をテレビの前でランチを食べながら祈っていました。トヨタはなかなかトロフィーを獲得することができていなかったので、2人で思いっきりチームの応援しました。近所の人は一体何事が起きたのか?と思ったかもしれませんが、とにかく2人で気持ちを込めて精一杯チームを応援しました。決勝でサントリーに勝ったことがとても嬉しく、テレビの前でゲームメンバーを背景に写真を撮ったことを覚えています。
Memorable memory with Kakimoto:
One of the most memorable moment I had with Kaki, is watching the Japan Cup final together in January 2019. We were both injured before the final and had to stay back in Toyota for medical reasons. We bought lunch and cheered the team on in front of the television. It’s been a while since Toyota had won a trophy so Kaki and I were cheering really hard. I’m pretty sure the neighbors were wondering what was going but we let our passion take the better of us. We were really happy when Toyota beat Suntory so we took a photo with the TV after the game . That’s one memory I will cherish.




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